extrawurst's blog

Worth Reading (August 2017)

• reading

The following stuff is what caught my eye in the last couple of weeks. Consider these kind of posts as an entry in my personal knowledge base ;)

In this installment I focus less on reading but on watching. These are particularly great talks/interviews that I watched over the course of the last few weeks. Very inspiring stuff:

Title Link Duration
New Tech Start-Up Bubble youtube 21 min
Why you should define your fears instead of your goals (Tim Ferriss) youtube 14 min
Why Do Planes Crash? Malcolm Gladwell on Outliers, Work, Culture, Communication youtube 67 min
Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address youtube 15 min
The future we’re building – and boring (Elon Musk) youtube 40 min

Video Lunch

Most of these Videos my team and I watched during lunch time. We do this every two weeks: Order in and watch a video in our office together. But I will devote a whole article on that later. Stay tuned..

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